ALL ENGELHARD has recently confirmed that all of the smaller weight class Homestake ingots that began surfacing in 2009 are counterfeit. We questioned the authenticity of these pieces after having completed a sizable purchase and have worked with many advanced collectors to obtain dozens of recently purchased ingots for authentication and ‘REPLICA’ stamping. We were also successful in ensuring that all known purchases from one single seller were refunded and made whole. These counterfeit ingots include ‘prototype’ or ‘blem’ smaller weight class pieces that include both the standard silver hallmark, the large ‘Gold Hallmark’ as well as all kilo and 20oz weight class from the 1970’s that demonstrate the ‘Gold Hallmark’ stamp.
Meanwhile, we are posting photos of several known counterfeit examples for immediate reference. We are also including photos of the modern, period-incorrect hallmark stamps, all of which have been confiscated by All Engelhard and effectively cancelled. Please note that there are many more counterfeit ingots than are pictured below and we will be displaying known examples in the future for community reference.
Much to their credit, midpacificgoldnsilver immediately suspected these smaller weight class ingots as reproductions when they began surfacing in 2009. They called it and All Engelhard remains appreciative of their continued wise counsel.