is pleased to welcome visitors to our Harringtons Metallurgist Pty Definitive Page. While our focus is clearly Engelhard, we recognize that many Engelhard bullion collectors also collect other bars and ingots. As such, we appreciate the opportunity to present important bullion information and look forward to your thoughts and input!  

In the early 1980’s up through the mid-1990’s, Harringtons was  a significant Australian mining and bullion player in its day, with LMBA accreditation along with the likes of The Perth Mint and Johnson Matthey, although the ingots shown below preceded their LMBA designation and evolved when Harringtons was very young in its history.  These ingots, represented in all the common sizes of the larger refiners as well as odd weight ingots, are quickly garnering attention from collectors around the world for their crude beauty, very limited and mostly serialized production of less than 10,000 total ingots, and outright scarcity in today’s market.   

Screenshot 2024-11-24 at 8.45.18 AM½oz[Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [9998] [.5OZ]Cast Finish1/2oz pendant produced by Harringtons.  One example sold via Mineral Exchange on December 22, 2024 for $2,105.00.Serial Absent<50
Screen Shot 2019-03-07 at 9.17.28 PM1oz
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [SINCE 1906] [Decorative Laurel Wreath]
[• HARRINGTONS METALLURGISTS AUSTRALIA • ASSAY OFFICE]1oz round produced by Harringtons.Serial
Screen Shot 2020-12-05 at 11.44.20 AM1oz
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER BULLION] [1. OZ] [TROY]
[ HARRINGTONS METALLURGISTS  ASSAY OFFICE] [AUSTRALIA] [9998]1oz pendant produced by Harringtons.Serial Absent<25
10z Harrington1oz
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [1 OZ] [9998]
Cast Finish
1oz ingot produced by Harringtons.Serial
Screen Shot 2022-12-21 at 10.50.40 AM1oz
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [9998] [1 OZ]
Cast Finish1oz ingot produced by Harringtons.  Similar to our above example, though demonstrates placement variation of weight class and purity stampings.  An example sold on MinEx auction on January 14, 2024 for $2,118.00.Serial Absent<25
Screen Shot 2021-04-07 at 3.28.40 PM1oz
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [1 OZ] [9998]
Cast Finish1oz ingot produced by Harringtons.  Similar to our above example, though of a different casting mould and demonstrates placement variation of weight class and purity stampings.Serial
[Harringtons Circular Logo]. [100 GMS]
[9998 SILVER]100 gram gold plated ingot produced by Harringtons.Serial Absent<50
5oz HAR Serial Absent5oz
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [5 OZ]
Cast Finish5oz ingot produced by Harringtons.Serial Absent<200
Screen Shot 2023-10-04 at 1.34.22 PM5oz
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [5OZ]
Cast Finish5oz ingot produced by Harringtons.  Similar to our above example, though demonstrates a different purity font and lacks a space between weight class and ‘OZ’ stamping.Serial Absent<50
5oz Harrington 19815oz
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [1981] [Serial Number] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [5OZ]
Cast Finish5oz ingot produced by Harringtons.000001<25
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [SILVER] [BULLION] [9998]
Cast Finish
5.50oz ingot produced by Harringtons.  This unique piece demonstrates a [5.500 TROY OZ.] weight class stamp on the leading edge.  Our thanks to Sandy ‘FM’ Taylor for this discovery!Serial
image006image007 6oz
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [SILVER] [BULLION] [9998]
Cast Finish6oz ingot produced by Harringtons.  This unique piece demonstrates a [6.000 TROY OZ.] weight class stamp on the leading edge.  Our thanks to Sandy ‘FM’ Taylor for this discovery!Serial Absent<5
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [10 OZ]
Cast Finish10oz ingot produced by Harringtons in non-serial variation.  Note the ‘OZ’ weight designation as opposed to the ‘OZS’ on later produced ingots.Serial Absent<50
Screen Shot 2019-07-09 at 2.03.19 PM10oz
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [10 OZ]
Cast Finish10oz ingot produced by Harringtons in non-serial variation.  This variety is of a different font style, particularly observed on the smaller ‘L’ letters, as demonstrated in the below photo.  Also note the lack of spacing between the ‘L’ and ‘V’ on ‘SILVER’ and the purity font variation.Serial
Screen Shot 2017-04-14 at 4.52.17 PM10oz
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [1981] [Serial Number] [10 OZ]
Cast Finish10oz ingot produced by Harringtons.000014<100
10oz Harrington10oz
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [10 OZS]
Cast Finish10oz ingot produced by Harringtons in serial absent variation.  Please note this variety demonstrates an ‘OZS’ weight stamping.Serial
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [10 OZS]
Cast Finish10oz ingot produced by Harringtons in serial absent variation.  This variety is of a different font style, particularly observed on the smaller ‘L’ letters, as demonstrated in the below photo.  Also note the lack of spacing between the ‘L’ and ‘V’ on ‘SILVER’ and the purity font variation.
Serial Absent<100
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [10 OZS]
Cast Finish10oz ingot produced by Harringtons in serial absent variation.  This variety includes both the smaller and larger Harringtons Circular Logo.Serial Absnet<25
Screen Shot 2018-10-12 at 1.10.54 PM15oz
[Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [15 OZ]
Cast Finish15oz ingot produced by Harringtons.  Exceedingly rare, one known example.Serial Absent<50
unnamed0.5 kg
[Serial Number] [0.5 kg] [Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] 
Cast Finish0.5 kg ingot produced by Harringtons.0180
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [500 GMS]
Cast Finish500 gram ingot produced by Harringtons.Serial Absent<250
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [500. GMS.]
Cast Finish500g ingot produced by Harringtons.Serial Absent<500
773 GMS Harrington660g
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [773 GMS]
Cast Finish773g ingot produced by Harringtons, also seen in other random weight class such as 660g.
Serial Absent<250
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [1000 GMS]
Cast Finish1000g ingot in serial absent variation produced by Harringtons.  This variety lacks a production date designation and was originally issued in red velvet presentation bag, pictured.  An example sold via Mineral Exchange Auction for $2,141.00 on November 2, 2024.
unnamed-2 10.02.39 AM
Serial Absent<200
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [Serial Number] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [1000 GMS]
Cast Finish1000g ingot produced by Harringtons, this variety lacks a production date designation.  Casting mould variations have been observed in this weight class.  This variety is of a different font style, particularly observed on the smaller ‘L’ letters, as demonstrated in the below photo.  Also note the lack of spacing between the ‘L’ and ‘V’ on ‘SILVER’ and the purity font variation.000226
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [Serial Number] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [1000 GMS]
Cast Finish1000g ingot produced by Harringtons.  This variety is of a different font style, particularly observed on the smaller ‘L’ letters.  Also note the lack of spacing between the ‘L’ and ‘V’ on ‘SILVER’ and the purity font variation.002457<25
1000g Harrington1000g
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [1000 GMS]
Cast Finish1000g ingot produced by Harringtons.  Casting mould variations have been observed in this weight class.  The document images below indicate that Harringtons provided assay, ingot and refining services to customers for scrap silver.  The ingots produced by customer supplied metals are all believed to have been produced as serial absent variety.  Our thanks to J.M. and C.F. for this information!
20170613_22455220170613_224416 20170613_224646
img_6065 image009unnamed1000g
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [1981] [Serial Number] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [1000 GMS]
Cast Finish1000g ingot produced by Harringtons.  Observed in 1981, 1982 and 1983 production series.  Date stamp location and casting mould variations have been observed in this weight class, pictured.  Our appreciation to C.F. for these keen observations.000265 [1981]
004011 [1981]
000091 [1982]
001665 [1983]
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [1981] [Serial Number] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [1000 GMS]
Cast Finish1000g ingot produced by Harringtons.  This variety is of a different font style, particularly observed on the smaller ‘L’ letters.  Also note the lack of spacing between the ‘L’ and ‘V’ on ‘SILVER’ and the purity font variation.002650 [1981]<100
DCL Silver bar Helmut1000g
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [DCL Counterstamp] [1000 GMS]
Cast Finish1000g ingot produced by Harringtons withwith Darlington Commodities Pty. Ltd. counterstamp.  DCL was established in Melbourne in 1978, assumed operations of Robert Howes & Associates Pty. Ltd. [RHA] in 1980, and concluded operations in 1987.  Casting mould variations have been observed in this weight class.  This example lacks the date and serial assignment.N/A<200
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [RHA Counterstamp] [1000 GMS]
Cast Finish1000g ingot produced by Harringtons with Robert Howes & Associates Pty. Ltd. counterstamp.N/A<200
Screen Shot 2017-03-13 at 11.37.33 AM

1000g[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [Serial Number] [DCL Counterstamp] [1000 GMS]Cast Finish1000g ingot produced by Harringtons with Darlington Commodities Pty. Ltd. counterstamp.  DCL was established in Melbourne in 1978, assumed operations of Robert Howes & Associates Pty. Ltd. [RHA] in 1980, and concluded operations in 1987.  Casting mould variations have been observed in this weight class, depicted below for reference.  This example lacks the date though includes serial assignment.image006000612
1000 GMS Harrington 1981
Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 9.08.44 AM20221107_153838
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [1981] [Serial Number] [DCL Counterstamp] [1000 GMS]
Cast Finish1000g ingot produced by Harringtons with Darlington Commodities Pty. Ltd. counterstamp.  DCL was established in Melbourne in 1978, assumed operations of Robert Howes & Associates Pty. Ltd. [RHA] in 1980, and concluded operations in 1987.  Casting mould variations have been observed in this weight class.  Note that ingot 400 lacks the ‘000’ serial prefix.  Note that ingot 000570 demonstrates a letter ‘A’ in a circle on the reverse, possibly added post-production, pictured.400
unnamedphoto1 KILO
[Serial Number] [Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [1 KILO]
Cast Finish1000g ingot produced by Harringtons.0304
unnamed1 KILO
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [1 KILO]
Cat Finish1000g ingot produced by Harringtons in serial absent variation.Serial
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [Weight Class]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]50oz weight class produced by Harringtons.N/A<25
[Weight Class] [OZ TROY] [Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [SILVER] [BULLION •999] [Serial Number]
Cast FinishApproximate 50oz weight class produced by Harringtons, includes serial number.  Note the unique fineness stamp of •999 and this variety lacks the cast Harrington Logo on the reverse, common to other 50oz examples.053< 25
[Serial Number][Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [SILVER] [BULLION •999] [Weight Class] [OZ TROY]
Cast FinishApproximate 50oz weight class produced by Harringtons.  Similar to our above examples, though demonstrates variation of stamp placement and also lacks the cast Harrington Logo on the reverse.380<100
50.190 OZ Troy Harrington Serial 100 2 50.190 OZ Troy Harrington Serial 100 550oz
[Weight Class] [OZ TROY] [Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [Serial Number]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]Approximate 50oz weight class produced by Harringtons, includes serial number.100
49.930oz Harrington Bar new style 4
Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 9.56.54 AM
[Weight Class] [OZ TROY] [Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]Approximate 50oz weight class produced by Harringtons in serial absent variation.  Known weight class include 49.93oz, 50.04oz, 50.10oz and 50.20ozSerial Absent<250
Screen Shot 2019-07-09 at 2.08.46 PMScreen Shot 2019-07-09 at 2.09.41 PM50oz
[OZ TROY] [Weight Class] [Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]Approximate 50oz weight class produced by Harringtons in serial absent variation.  Note the reverse placement of weight class and the ‘OZ TROY’ designations.  Also note the occasionally inverted reverse hallmark. Serial Absent<5
IMG_3110Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at 12.18.34 PM50oz
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [50 OZS]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]50oz ingot produced by Harringtons.  This is a serial absent variety, and does not demonstrate the year of production stamp. Serial Absent<100
50oz HAR 198150oz
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [1981] [Serial Number] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [50 OZS]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]50oz ingot produced by Harringtons.  Example 000660 is stamped 1981, example 000511 is stamped 1982 and example 000622 is stamped 1983.  We believe the serial number runs are unique to each year.  Some examples issued with brown velvet bag, pictured below.

[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [1982] [Serial Number] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [50 OZS]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]50oz ingot produced by Harringtons.  Similar to our above entry, though demonstrates an inverted ‘8’ on the date stamp.  Our thanks to SMFT for this discovery!000334<10
50oz Harrington.20 AM copy50oz
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [DCL Counterstamp] [50 OZS]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]50oz ingot produced by Harringtons with Darlington Commodities Pty. Ltd. counterstamp.  DCL was established in Melbourne in 1978, assumed operations of Robert Howes & Associates Pty. Ltd. [RHA] in 1980, and concluded operations in 1987.Serial Absent<250
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [1981] [Serial Number] [DCL Counterstamp] [50 OZS]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]50oz ingot produced in 1981 by Harringtons with Darlington Commodities Pty. Ltd. counterstamp.  DCL was established in Melbourne in 1978, assumed operations of Robert Howes & Associates Pty. Ltd. [RHA] in 1980, and concluded operations in 1987.  Similar to our above example, though includes production year and serial number.000079
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [1982] [Serial Number] [DCL Counterstamp] [50 OZS]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]50oz ingot produced in 1982 by Harringtons with Darlington Commodities Pty. Ltd. counterstamp.  DCL was established in Melbourne in 1978, assumed operations of Robert Howes & Associates Pty. Ltd. [RHA] in 1980, and concluded operations in 1987.  Note the inverted number ‘8’ in the production year stamp.  Some examples issued with brown velvet bag, pictured below.
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [RHA Counterstamp] [50 OZ]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]50oz ingot produced by Harringtons with Robert Howes & Associates Pty. Ltd. counterstamp.  Serial Absent<100
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [RHA Counterstamp] [50 OZS]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]50oz ingot produced by Harringtons with Robert Howes & Associates Pty. Ltd. counterstamp.  Similar to our above example, though demonstrates an ‘OZS’ weight stamping.Serial Absent<250
har2kg har2kg-22000g
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [RHA Counterstamp] [2000 GMS]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]2000g ingot produced by Harringtons with Robert Howes & Associates Pty. Ltd. counterstamp.Serial Absent<25
IMG_4152 IMG_41552500g
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [2500 GMS]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]2500g ingot [80.38 T.OZ] produced by Harringtons.Serial Absent<25
Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at 10.14.18 AMScreen Shot 2018-12-14 at 10.45.52 AM100oz
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [100 OZS]
Cast Finish100oz ingot produced by Harringtons.Serial Absent<100
100oz[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [100 OZS][HAR Moulded Hallmark]100oz ingot produced by Harringtons.Serial
unnamed-2100oz[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [1982] [Serial Number] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [100 OZS][HAR Moulded Hallmark]100oz ingot produced by Harringtons.  This example demonstrates an inverted ‘8’ on the date stamp and is unique in that the serial number matches the production year of 1982.  Our thanks to SMFT for this discovery!000082<25
1 1-1100oz[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [1981] [DCL Counterstamp] [100 OZS][HAR Moulded Hallmark]100oz ingot produced by Harringtons with Darlington Commodities Pty. Ltd. counterstamp.  DCL was established in Melbourne in 1978, assumed operations of Robert Howes & Associates Pty. Ltd. [RHA] in 1980, and concluded operations in 1987.Serial Absent<100
Screen Shot 2016-07-01 at 9.14.48 AM100oz
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [1981] [Serial Number] [DCL Counterstamp] [100 OZS]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]100oz ingot produced by Harringtons with Darlington Commodities Pty. Ltd. counterstamp. DCL was established in Melbourne in 1978, assumed operations of Robert Howes & Associates Pty. Ltd. [RHA] in 1980, and concluded operations in 1987.  Similar to our above example, though includes a serial number assignment.
[RHA Counterstamp][100oz] 
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]100oz ingot produced by Harringtons with Robert Howes & Associates Pty. Ltd. counterstamp.Serial Absent<250
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [1981] [Serial Number] [Aplex Counterstamp] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [100 OZS]
[HAR Moulded Hallmark]100oz ingot produced by Harringtons with Alpex Counterstamp.001182<250
[Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [3786 GMS]
Cast Finish3786 gram[121.72oz] ingot produced by Harringtons.  This example is unique in the gram weight classification stamping.Serial Absent<50
[Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [Large Harringtons Circular Logo] [250 OZS]
Cast Finish250oz ingot produced by Harringtons.Serial Absent<100
[DCL Counterstamp]  [Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [DCL Counterstamp] [250OZS]
Cast Finish250oz ingot produced by Harringtons with Darlington Commodities Pty. Ltd. counterstamp. DCL was established in Melbourne in 1978, assumed operations of Robert Howes & Associates Pty. Ltd. [RHA] in 1980, and concluded operations in 1987.Serial Absent<100
HARRINGTON_RHA Counterstamp_250oz HARRINGTON_RHA Counterstamp_250oz_side HARRINGTON_RHA Counterstamp_250oz_back250oz
[RHA Counterstamp]  [Small Harringtons Circular Logo] [FINE SILVER] [BULLION 9998] [RHA Counterstamp] [250OZS]
Cast Finish250oz ingot produced by Harringtons with Robert Howes & Associates Pty. Ltd. Counterstamp. Serial Absent<100